‘For 25 years, I suffered from short-sightedness and stress in the head. Sometimes, when I did a little job, I felt stressed in the head and could not think or do other things. Before Shiloh 2023 started, I went for the two-week rally and told God I would be at Shiloh for my healing. Thereafter, I came to Shiloh, and on the third day, after the praise and worship, I noticed something dropped from my head. During the Impartation Service, when Bishop David Oyedepo ministered, I had put off my glasses, so when I looked at first, the verses of the Scripture were blurred, but when I looked the second time, I realised it was a little clear. When I looked the third time, it was clear. Now, I can see clearly. I am healed and well. I return all the glory to God!’ — Samson Daniel